Debugging with Eclipse

This topic explains how to setup and use MCU Eclipse with a Segger Jlink adapter to debug PX4 running on NuttX (e.g. Pixhawk series boards).

Required Hardware



Setup PX4 by following the normal guidelines:


To install Eclipse:

  1. Download Eclipse CDT for C/C++ Developers (MCU GitHub).

  2. Extract the Eclipse folder and copy it anywhere (there is no need to run any install scripts).

  3. Run Eclipse and choose a location for your initial workbench.

To install the Segger Jlink tools:

  1. Download and run the J-Link Software and Documentation Pack for your OS (Windows and Linux packages available).

    • On Linux the tools are installed in /usr/bin.

For more information, see:

First Use

  1. Connect the Segger JLink to the host computer and the flight controller debug port (via an adapter).

  2. Power the flight controller.

  3. Run Eclipse.

  4. Add a source by choosing File > Import > C/C++ > Existing Code as Makefile Project and click Next.

  5. Point it to the PX4-Autopilot folder and give it a name, then select ARM Cross GCC in the Toolchain for Indexer Settings and click Finish. Import takes a while, wait for it to complete.

  6. Update packs:

    • Click the update all button.

      :::tip This takes a VERY LONG TIME (10 minutes). Ignore all the errors about missing packages that pop up. :::

    • The STM32Fxx devices are found in the Keil folder, install by right-clicking and then selecting install on the according device for F4 and F7.

  7. Setup debug configuration for target:

    • Right click project and open the Settings (menu: C/C++ Build > Settings)

    • Choose the Devices Tab, Devices section (Not Boards).

    • Find the FMU chip you wish to debug.

  8. Setup build config:

    • Give it a name and set the C/C++ Application to the corresponding .elf file.

    • Choose Disable Auto build :::note Remember that you must build the target from the command line before starting a debug session. :::

  9. The Debugger and Startup tabs shouldn’t need any modifications (just verify your settings with the screenshots below)

SEGGER Task-aware debugging

Task-aware debugging (also known as thread-aware debugging) allows you to show the context of all running threads/tasks instead of just the stack current task. This is quite useful since PX4 tends to run many different tasks.

To enable this feature for use in Eclipse:

  1. You first need to enable CONFIG_DEBUG_TCBINFO in the NuttX configuration for your build (to expose the TCB offsets).

    • Open a terminal in the root of your PX4-Autopilot source code

    • In the terminal, open menuconfig using the appropriate make target for the build. This will be something like:

      make px4_fmu-v5_default boardguiconfig

      (See PX4 Menuconfig Setup for more information) on using the config tools).

  2. Compile the library in the terminal by running the following command in the terminal: make jlink-nuttx

  3. Modify Eclipse to use this libary. In the J-Link GDB Server Setup configuration, update Other options to include -rtos /home/<PX4 path>/Tools/, as shown in the image below.

  4. When running the debugger you should see now multiple threads instead of just one:


Target CPU not in Package Manager

If the target CPU does not appear in the package manager you may need these steps to get the register view working.

:::tip This should not generally happen (but anecdotally has been reported when connecting to an STM F7 controller). :::

Adding missing SVD files for the Peripheral View:

  1. Download missing packages from:

  2. Open downloaded pack with a decompression tool, and extract the .SVD files from: /CMSIS/SVD.

Last updated