Land Mode
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The Land flight mode causes the vehicle to land at the position where the mode was engaged. After landing, vehicles will disarm after a short timeout (by default).
This mode requires a valid global position estimate (from GPS or inferred from a local position).
In a failsafe the mode only requires altitude (typically a barometer is built into the flight controller).
This mode is automatic - no user intervention is required to control the vehicle.
RC control switches can be used to change flight modes on any vehicle.
RC stick movement in a multicopter (or VTOL in multicopter mode) will by default change the vehicle to Position mode unless handling a critical battery failsafe.
The mode can be triggered using the MAV_CMD_DO_LAND_START MAVLink command, or by explicitly switching to Land mode. :::
The specific behaviour for each vehicle type is described below.
The vehicle will land at the location at which the mode was engaged. The vehicle descends at the rate specified in MPC_LAND_SPEED and will disarm after landing (by default).
RC stick movement will change the vehicle to Position mode (by default).
Landing is affected by the following parameters:
The rate of descent during landing. This should be kept fairly low as the ground conditions are not known.
Time-out for auto disarm after landing, in seconds. If set to -1 the vehicle will not disarm on landing.
:::warning Fixed-wing Land mode is currently broken: PX4-Autopilot/pull/21036. (Specifically, switching to Land mode causes a fly-away.)
Automated landing in missions is supported: Mission mode > Fixed wing mission landing. :::
A VTOL follows the LAND behavior and parameters of Fixed Wing when in FW mode, and of Multicopter when in MC mode. When NAV_FORCE_VT is set (default: on) a VTOL in FW mode will transition back to MC just before landing.
Controls whether stick movement on a multicopter (or VTOL in MC mode) causes a mode change to . This can be separately enabled for auto modes and for offboard mode, and is enabled in auto modes by default.
The amount of stick movement that causes a transition to (if is enabled).