
Barometers measure atmospheric pressure, and are used in drones as altitude sensors.

Most flight controller hardware on which PX4 incudes a barometer. By default PX4 will select the barometer with the highest priority (if any are present), and configure it as a data source for Height estimation. If a sensor fault is detected, PX4 will fall back to the next highest priority sensor.

Generally barometers require no user configuration (or thought)!

Hardware Options

Pixhawk standard flight controllers include a barometer, as do many others.

They are also present in other hardware:

The supported baro part numbers can be inferred from the driver names, which are listed in PX4-Autopilot/src/drivers/barometer and from the Modules Reference: Baro (Driver) documentation. At time of writing, drivers/parts include: bmp280, bmp388 (and BMP380), dps310, goertek (spl06), invensense (icp10100, icp10111, icp101xx, icp201xx), lps22hb, lps25h, lps33hw, maiertek (mpc2520), mpl3115a2, ms5611, ms5837, tcbp001ta

PX4 Configuration

Generally barometers require no user configuration. If needed, you can:


Barometers don't require calibration.

Developer Information

Last updated